Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sydney the new Mars?

Quite glad I wasn't in Sydney yesterday (thats Australian time), as I would have been sneezing like there was no tomorrow...check this scene out:

(picture courtesy of Shaun Davies, ninemsn)

That is the Sydney Harbour bridge...hiding in a cloud of red dust. Apparently what happened was a intense low pressure system came through and picked up all the dust/red top soil from Southern NSW and gales forced it whipped it up and shoved it in the direction of Sydney. It was said to be more dense in particles than bushfire smoke...and that's saying something!

But man, how awesome does it look? Even if everything comes out looking filthy and covered in a fine layer of red dust.

More pics are here...amazing :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

'The last train home....'

I've been a fan of the Lostprophets since I first heard them on the start something album in 2004. But I have never seen them live.

Here's the scenario...I was browsing the Big Day Out acts cds in the old HMV mid-city centre, and saw lostprophets album in there, heard a couple of songs, remember their song being in the advert for an old TV show called Charmed...and thought about seeing them...then thought nah...I can see them another time. Fast forward to 2009 and I'm still regretting that decision not to see them (also regretted not seeing the thursday/poison the well side show....but that's another story).

And in October this year, I will finally get to see them live...just after they release a new single and before they release their long awaited follow up to Liberation Transmission.

When I looked up their website recently, I was bombarded with the most amazing artwork:

It's a bit hard to see there, but a bigger version is at the Lostprophets website. I think one of the reasons why I love this is because I love crows...I literally love that species of bird...I don't know why. I think it might be because they are graceful when they fly, or that they have a supernatural aura around them. I could also be completely wrong, as they could be eagles...

Either way, I've loved the artwork for the lostprophets albums (with the exception of Fakesoundofprogress)...and I can't wait to see what they come up with...from what I've read, Ian Watkins (their lead singer) does a lot of the artwork himself.

And that's another reason to keep buying albums!

Hooray for CD/Vinyl sleeves!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

Yay for me...just had to put a separate post for this :)

I would prefer cheesecake (of which I am currently eating...stuff the diet for the day! hehe), but cupcakes are just as good!

Tea, Geometry and Music

The weekend that just passed I had dubbed culture weekend. Well, Saturday anyway. This was due to a couple of things - first, I went to a vinyl toy signing (my first!); second, I went to an exhibition by one of my favourite street artists.
1. The vinyl signing

This was for the launch of Matt 'Lunartik' Jones' new toy - tea in a cup.

Lunartik JOnes - Forbidden Planet signing by Derek Bremner.
(image courtesy of Derek Bremmer's Flickr)
I love this toy because it combines two things I love - Tea and vinyl toys. Matt, was incredibly nice and sweet. I'll post photos up of my Tea's when I get the chance.
2. Exhibition
I went to the Elms Lesters Painting Rooms near St Giles Church on Saturday to have a look at an exhibition by a couple of graffiti/street artists - Dalek and Delta. 
I've been a huge fan of Delta (aka Boris Tellegen) ever since I saw his work in the CD booklet and DVD extra for Linkin Park's Meteroa album. He does these amazing geometric patterns and grids that Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda describes as satelites.
It kinda reminds me of Mondrian's work with its grids, patterns and blocks of colour. Also reminds me of computer/arcade machines...funnily enough, he did create the outer casing for one.
and the music part of this? Well yesterday was Muse Night on BBC radio 1 and they played the Teignmouth homecoming shows on BBC red button last night. So I've been listening and watching Muse for the last couple of days. Happy Birthday to me!